Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Benefits of a College Education

1. There are parties with friends.
2. They have dorms.
3. Laptops in the class.
4. Hear music.
5. A better education.
6. Drive a car there.
7. They also have sports.
8. Have restaurants around the campus.
9. They have kickbacks.
10.                    Have fun with friends.
11.                    Financial aid
12.                    Scholarships
13.                    A successful career.
14.                    They have sororities.
15.                    They have clubs.
16.                    They have dances.
17.                    You get to say things about yourself.
18.                    Lower rate of smokers.
19.                    Less days at school.
20.                    More people Choose the right!!!!

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